Wealth and Retirement

Wealth and Retirement
Formulate a proper and executable plan for our clients’ finances which includes Buy and Sell Agreements, Key Man Insurance, Tax Planning and Advice in terms of Risk Planning in all its facets, Employee Benefits, Retirement Planning, Estate Planning / Generational Planning which includes setting up legal structures and drawing up of Wills suitable to each clients’ individual financial needs. Online real-time application and management system, policy schedules, claim status, investment portfolio, dependant registration, option and policy changes. Employer and employee specific tailor-made online system can be provided.
Services Include:
- Benefit design
- Administrative Services
- Service Provider Monitoring
- Industry Reviews
- Investment Policy Statement
- Member Communications
- Investment Benchmarking
- Market Reviews
- Asset Manager Assessment
- Trustee Management
- Group Life Cover
- Disability and Dread Disease
- Funeral Benefits
- Income Protection
- Beneficiary Pension
- Spouse Pension
- Temporary Disability Cover
- Credit Guarantee Cover
- Strategic advice on Funds
- Service Provider Reviews
- Risk Benefit Reviews
- Actuarial Analysis